Monday, March 23, 2020

Locked down but not locked out

“Go, my people, enter your room and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by.(Isaiah 26:20).

God was speaking to Israel, not us. Nevertheless, looking at the context of the writings, we can draw lessons from it, gain understanding and wisdom. What we do not want to do is to apply these Scriptures in prophecy and say this pandemic is the wrath of God. Who knows what is and what is not the act of God? Many times, only in hindsight can we know for sure. We best not take upon ourselves as God’s representatives and say: “Thus says the Lord”. These are times where false prophets will arise. Therefore, be watchful.

Eight more days to go. May I suggest (like Moses days in the wilderness) two meals a day as in brunch and dinner? God fed the Israelite twice a day for 40 years. Keep well and stay well. We may be locked down but we are not locked out.

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