All of us are afraid of stuff. Some rational but mostly
irrational stuff. Life itself is stressful and fear seems to be one huge
contributing factor. So this morning, I want to write about this in my very own layman,
non professional understanding on this subject. Some
subjects are best left to the experts. But being pastor, I have to deal with
just about ... everything! Literally from A to Z. The scary thing is, pastors
don't always know lots of stuff. Pastors will do well if they keep to the teaching and
preaching of the Word for the simple fact that God's word not only provide the
insight and wisdom that we need, it also connect us to God from whence our help
comes. But of course the pastor has to be relevant to changing times. That's
why constant self learning /teaching/ reading/upgrading is a very important aspect of a pastor's daily
life. Once a teenager asked me what I do daily as a pastor. See, lots of folks
think pastors work only on weekends. Rest of week they are "free".
That is so far from truth. In response to the teen's question, I spoke briefly
of an athlete's life. A golfer for example, don't just work on weekends
(tournaments are always held over weekends). If a golfer is not in tournament,
the rest of the week is spent in necessary routines which is going to the gym, hitting
balls at the driving range, keeping abreast on the latest happenings in the
golfing world, etc. for the sake of self improvement and keeping sharp and
ready for tournament. So this is what I do apart for the actual work load of
managing a church. Enough of digression.
Fear: " ... is a emotion induced by perceived danger or
threat, which causes physiological changes, such as fleeing, hiding, or
freezing from perceived traumatic events".
That's from Wikipedia. When I taught the teens on this subject two weeks
ago, this is what I said about fear.
A.There are two kinds of fear. Founded and unfounded fear.
If a tiger suddenly appears in front of you, that is real fear. Unfounded fear
on the other hand is something you are afraid of which is of the future. It may
or may not happen and often times, it's imaginary, irrational and unfounded. So
I met a tiger a year ago and I encountered real fear. A year later, I am still
afraid to pass through the same path for fear I may cross path with the tiger yet again. Fact is, it's been a year. The tiger have moved on or died. It hasn't been
spotted for a year. It's very unlikely I
will have a second encounter with it yet I am afraid. This unfounded fear is but imaginary and
irrational. That's how it is with fear. Most of what we are afraid of are
unfounded and very likely will not even materialize, yet we are afraid it may
happen. It's no wonder Jesus enlightened us to not worry about tomorrow for
tomorrow will take care of itself. Meaning, our fears are mostly unfounded so
don't dwell on it (Read Matthew 6:25-34).
B. How do you response to fear? From the incident of David
and Goliath, I told the teens there's two way to respond to fear. Fight or flight. Goliath was a real threat. On a one-on-one fight, none of
the Israelite will be able to survive Goliath. So Israel took flight and Goliath
taunted them every day for forty days until the shepherd boy David took the
challenge to fight Goliath. The rest is history. Some things just won't go away
until you fight it.
C. How do you overcome fear? Shield and sword. In the
olden days when battles were fought, a soldier will need a shield and a sword.
Without a shield to protect against the arrows and blows of the sword and spear, a soldier
may not survive in battle. Not only will the shield provide protection, it helps the soldier to strategically wield his sword to eliminate the threat. When
David encountered Goliath that fateful day, instead of having a physical
shield, God was his shield. He wasn't afraid of Goliath. Instead of a sword
where he will have to get up close to Goliath, he used a sling shot. At a safe
distance, he fired the shot and Goliath felled. David was skilled with the sling shot. Skill is something we can acquire if
we apply ourselves to it. Together with God as our shield (Psalms 28:7), we
have the resource to fight instead of flight. But of course there are times one
will have to take flight as a temporary but immediate action but the only way
to overcome is still to fight the enemy.
We had a good time in class. We talked about school bullies.I have always enjoyed teaching
teens and teaching in small groups. God's word is like a hidden treasure. It's
a delight to be able to not just read, but to be able to study and uncover
its hidden treasures. God's word is amazing and enlightening. God's word is not meant to be read but to be studied. If you are in the habit of just reading chapters a day, things can get pretty boring and mundane. But when you study it, like food, you will want more. Keep this 2x2x2 lesson in mind. Someday, it may come in
handy. God bless.
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