Wednesday, December 11, 2019

You are being programmed!

I once read about the Eskimos … how they trapped wolves. They coat knives with blood and let it freeze into Popsicles (ice cream). They then stake the knives vertically into the ground exposing the blades. Now wolves have a very keen sense of smell and they can smell blood from way off. Once it smells blood, it will become irrational and bloodthirsty. The wolf will lick the iced blood on the knife and soon the taste of blood drives it into a frenzy. As the bloodied ice melts against the  warm tongue, the sharp edges of the knife eventually cuts into the tongue of the wolf. Getting excited over its own warm blood as a result of the cut, the animal kept on licking against the knife until eventually it succumb to its own injuries and dies. It’s subtle but effective.

I want you to know … you are being programmed! It’s an ongoing process and like the wolves, you don’t even know what’s happening until the damage is done! Who’s the programmer? What is the process? What’s the outcome? I look at people today and how technology is affecting our lives.  Sad to say there’s more cons than pros. While technology is supposed to make life a little easier for us, it has become the source of more stress. It has brought about more problems that solutions to mankind and to our planet earth. Because computers work  fast and technology is advancing at a gargantuan pace, there is a huge demand for us to catch up, to move at a faster pace. As a result, people are becoming significantly impatience, impersonal, short tempered, less caring. Our language, culture has been so significantly shaped that many of us today, we have lost our roots, our very identity! Take a look at the youth around us today. Notice the transformation. I urge you to read the book of Revelation as often as you can. It’s a window into the future. Observe the populace, the nations, the physical earth. Then ask yourself, “What gives?” How in the world will the human race and planet earth evolve into such futurist stage?  Basically there is a “programmer” and there is a “process” … the devil and his cosmos (world system).

On a daily basis, our lives are being influenced and shaped  by our usual taken-for-granted daily routines. Young kids with their video gadgets are being programmed and shaped for violence as they indulge in violent video games. They are becoming more and more insensitive to violence as their tolerance level for it increases. Instant communicative platforms exposes our kids, youth and adults to a world of virtual friendships, be it friends or foes. They have become very individualistic in nature as daily they spend time alone with their gadgets socializing via cyberspace. Kids are being bullied not just in schools but also in their homes via this digital world which is highly hyper-connected and completely unfiltered. Adults are exposed to and practicing unheard-of-sexual practices. Cyber crimes are being committed daily worldwide as cyber criminals have access into your lives through the doors of your IP address. IF you think this world is getting better with its innovations and technological advancements, you need to read the Book of revelation. Even movies from Hollywood depicts the world in a chaotic mess!

But I’ve got good news! Thank God for His gift of the Church! In Christ we have this extended family. And as long as we understand and embrace this gift from God, we have safety, we have knowledge and “the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church”. Always rely on the wisdom of God's word. Walk in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus warned, the thief comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. The thief is the programmer and he is on the prowl.You are being programmed. Keep your guard up!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We tend to think that we are in control but unfortunately we are not

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