Friday, November 8, 2019


Trust: firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.

Going by this definition, who or what do you trust? Do you know of anything or someone who is absolutely reliable, absolutely true and who have absolute ability to do anything? If you do, that person has got to be God! You and I both know there is no one political system that works, not one person who is entirely flawless and perfect and therefore reliable. As for truth, take a look at this world and you wonder what really is true! If you can get a room and put all the world leaders together, there will be no peace but war. Why? Simply for lack of trust.

I know generally people don't reflect on these things. We think we have someone we trust,  some system we can rely on. But alas, that too is a chasing after the wind. People change and no one really knows how today will shape us into what we will become tomorrow. There are so many variables in life, so many experiences that shape us. How can we know for truth that in the future to come, we will be reliable, strong and honest. A good person will strive for these but there's this Chinese saying: "Got heart,no strength". People meant well, but they are lacking. So again I ask, who or what do you trust? After thousands of years of existence as a human race, are we better today that centuries and millenniums ago? Do we see less wars, less pollution, less disasters? Is our air cleaner today that yesteryear? Do you trust the foods you eat? Have the human race grown more trustworthy? Do you trust your government? Is evil on the rise? Is morality improving or decaying? The answer is right in front of you. Jesus had twelve disciples yet He did not entrust Himself to them or to any man. That's food for though!.

Truth is: we are all born sinners. How can a blind lead the blind? Earth is suffering. Human race is lacking. Politicians don't speak the truth. Who or what can we therefore trust IF not in God? (I said God, not religion). Trust in yourself? I need to deposit my trust somewhere. My bank is God. I trust the saying of Jesus: "I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE" (Jn. 14:6). He said: "the thief comes to steal and to kill and to destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" (Jn 10:10). Today, I dedicate these thoughts to our dearly beloved Jenny Ho who, as of last night, is basking in the reality of the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE. Her trust in God has brought her to where she belonged and is today and for all eternity she will live the abundant life. No longer bound but set free. The peace of God that passes all understanding will be upon her family for like her, they too banked their trust in the good Shepherd where the dividends are heavenly. This world is broken but God is good. The future is bright as we put our trust in Jesus. Amen.

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