Thursday, September 12, 2019


Since the beginning of Christianity, every generation of believers had believed that Jesus is coming back in their time. It has been two thousand years now and I wonder if Christians today still believe Jesus will be returning in this generation? I asked because this reality has not been taught much today as it was previously. Nevertheless, the truth remains. Jesus is coming soon and when He comes, He comes like a thief in the night when you least expect him and when your guard is down. I have always been hopeful that Jesus will come in my generation. I have the hope that I will not experience death but the transformation of my body in the Rapture! And for that I have to believe He will come in my life time. Perhaps many are not expecting His soon return anytime soon but Jesus' return is unavoidable and imminent and He WILL return in His full glory. It has to be sometime. Why not hope and believe for NOW?

Looking back over the centuries, there has never been a more realistic time for Jesus' return such as NOW. Within short decades,  the ushering in of the internet age has shaped this world's landscape in such a manner that the signs of Jesus' return is now in place and a reality. Two thousand years ago, the apostle John saw into the future that described the age we are living in TODAY. Take the robotic age and AI (Artificial Intelligence) recorded in Revelation 13 for example. It's already a reality! Not one hundred years ago, not during the times of the apostles but HERE and NOW. Recently we read about China's invention of facial recognition as it enters into 5G. It will replace the present cashless society in China. Imagine, no need cash, credit cards, no need hand phones for making transactions. Just face recognition! What is simply needed in the very near future as this world continues to evolve rapidly in this manner, is just your facial recognition and hand prints! Does this sound familiar?

"And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark - the name of the beast or the number of its name". (Revelation 13:16-17)".

What are the manner of recognition? Forehead and hand. Not necessarily an embedded chip (old school). Facial recognition and hand prints! Jesus is coming back soon. If you are neither  perceiving  His soon return, nor expecting His soon return, I then fear for you for in the Bible, Jesus said : "Two men working in the field. One taken up and one left behind. Two women working in the mill. One taken up and one left behind." One out of two is 50%. So many will be left behind when Jesus comes.  In the parable of the Ten Virgins, there will always be the five foolish ones. Don't fool yourself into thinking Jesus coming is not anytime soon.

This Saturday's "Devotion with senior pastor", I will be dwelling on this subject. Maranatha!!! (Our Lord is coming)!

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