Thursday, August 29, 2019

Head or Tail

Used to play this little game when young. Flip a coin in the air. When it lands, head I win, tail I lose. This game of chance reminds us of the fact that time and chance happen to all (Ecc.9:11). That's why when we pray, we ask for divine intervention. If God grants us our request, then it's divine. If not, we have to take the chance in life but knowing fair well that God's got our backs.

A lot of us are content to be the tail, not the head as long as we still belong. It's like someone saying: “I don't care about rewards in heaven just as long as I get in”. Have you thought about migrating to another country with nothing but just the shirt on your back? I mean, no resource, no account, no house? Nothing. I know. Heaven is different. God's there and He has prepared a place for us. Perhaps you should read the book of Revelation at least once a year. There are rewards awaiting us in heaven based on what we do here on earth. There must be a use for it when we get there. Else why the rewards? I think I'd be much more assured IF I had all the basics in the other country that I want to migrate to. Just a thought.

Alright, back to where I am taking us this morning. Tail always follows the head. Tail don't decide where to go, what to do. The head does that. It's called leadership. It's job is to get you from here to there. Are you disgrunted in life today? Not happy where you are or what your portion has been thus far? You shouldn't be if you'd rather be the tail and not the head. Trust me. It's more fun being the head than the tail. More responsibility no doubt and more challenging but that's God's desire for His people. It's so easy to walk the path that someone else had walked on. But to create a path where there is none, that makes a whole lot of difference. Again, more responsibility is on the head, and more challenging is the work but to be able to walk with God and create a path others can walk on is not only meaningful but exhilarating. That's why we were created to work. Work is not just about sustenance. It's about creativity, about going “boldly to where no man has gone before”. Work provides you the opportunity to be the head. When a task need to be performed, there's more than one way to get it done. As the “head” thinks, new inventions are discovered. The possibilities are endless and it brings out the good and the potential you never thought you had. So yes. Work, but don't just work hard. Work smart. Promotion comes from the Lord (Psalm 75:6-7). How do you think the Jews become so smart? How do you think Einstein is so brilliant? How do you think mankind can be so smart? I see it as God's inspired wisdom.

If you are happy where you are then so be it. It's ok. The world still needs accountants, doctors, engineers, waiters, actors, dancers, grab drivers, etc. I fear to imagine a world without garbage disposers. As long as it is honest work, it's dignified. As long as it brings fulfillment into your life, it's ok. After all we are not immortal. Everything we made for ourselves, everything we achieve or accumulate, it will all be gone one day. We will come to an end. But praise God, there's still the universe God made that's yet to be uncovered. Life goes on after death. Jesus promised He is preparing a place for us. He said in His Father's house (universe) are many mansions (solar systems) [John 14:2]. And where He is there He will bring us. I am looking forward to life after death! But while we are still here, alive and kicking, why not strive to have a taste of what it's like to be the head? Why not turn your work, your passion, into a career? If you are a chef, be a great one. People who like your foods will follow you. But instead of just working for someone your whole life, why not turn your passion, your work into a career, a business? Better yet, turn it into a ministry!

When God told Abram to leave his city (human's first civilization) and head into the unknown, there were no sign boards to tell him which way to go. There were no paths to follow. He was to be the path-maker, the trail-blazer. He followed his heart and he followed His God. Abraham became the father of many nations. And God's name today is still the God of Abraham. God challenged His people in Deuteronomy 28 to be the head and not the tail. I believe we are serving the same God still. So, go ahead. Be the head not the tail. Live that blessed life that God has in store for you. But read first Deuteronomy 28. Blessings.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The gift of the human will

"Why did God planted the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden?" This question popped up during lesson time with the Whamers. Genesis chapter three is a very interesting chapter to study. So why? For the same reason God planted the Tree of Life in Eden; a visual reminder to Adam and Eve of the power of the human will.
We are created by God with a will. This is that which separates us from animals. Although animals may behave like they have a will, they are merely responding to instincts and conditioning. To have a human will is to have the moral consciousness and ability to choose, and especially so between good and evil. The Tree of Life was there visually to remind Adam and Eve to choose life over death. The Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil was to remind them of the presence of evil that exist prior to their creation and that they must choose God over the devil. It was never planted to tempt them for God cannot tempt. Think of the tree like traffic lights. These were not installed to criminalize road users but to remind them to choose to obey the law over lawlessness. It's a necessary “evil”.
Another question popped up. "Why did God made man with a will?. Wouldn't it be better if mankind doesn't have the ability to choose and just simply obey God?". I had to explain that it would not be possible for mankind to not have a will because we were made in the image of God. Having a will, the ability to choose, is the pinnacle of God's creative power. But of course with great power comes great responsibility too. Spider man understood that but we don't need super powers to understand this. We know it takes great responsibility to exercise our will cos every decision we make, there's the consequence that follows.
Consequence is like the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. When you eat, you pay. In the case of Adam and Eve, they paid with their lives. Death. So why then did God made us with the ability to choose? To cause us to fall? What is there for God to gain if we fall? Death is not a reward. It's a consequence. God is about LIFE. He created all things good for life's sake. He wants us to enjoy His creation, His blessings. Everything that was made was made for our pleasure. All we need to do is to exercise our will correctly whenever we encounter “traffic lights”. When it's green, have a safe drive. When it turns yellow, slow down. And when it's red, choose to stop! And walla ... not only will you be safe, you will arrive at your destination safely. But if you choose to exercise your will incorrectly and speed up at yellow and dash across at red, that one moment may change your life forever! Adam and Eve found out the hard way.
Having a will, the ability to choose is a beautiful thing. God gave us a will so we can enjoy His blessings and beauty of creation. Everything God made was made for life, for beauty. All we need to do is to exercise our will correctly and choose life over death; choose God over the devil. A lot of times we struggle like Eve in the Garden of Eden. But let's not forget about the Tree of Life! So let's be reminded today that the power to live a blessed or a cursed life is entirely on us. Just as God did everything for Adam and Eve back then, God too have done so for us through His Son Jesus Christ. It's up to us now what we do with our lives. Take time to read Deuteronomy 28. God laid down His love and intention in the list of blessings and curses. What's your will on this? 
But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." (Joshua 24:15)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Peace Jerusalem

"Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper" (Psalm 122:6).

I wonder how many of us every gave a thought for Jerusalem, let alone pray for peace in Jerusalem. There is a promise of prosperity for those who love the city of Jerusalem but it's not for blessings sake that I pray for Jerusalem's peace almost on a daily basis. I pray because I love God who love Israel and who had established Jerusalem as His holy city. I pray because of the plight of God's people and for the reconciliation of God and His beloved. I pray because God said to pray for peace in Jerusalem. But what do we understand by "peace in Jerusalem"? Is it for Jerusalem to return to its former glory? For the restoration of the holy Temple? For living at peace with its neighbors? While you may speculate or formulate your preferences, reading the entire chapter of Psalms 122 will help you understand the truth about peace in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is at peace when God's people are walking right and in obedience to God. Jerusalem is at peace when God's people have not abandoned their God and serve idols. Jerusalem is at peace when God's people bring sacrifices of praise before the Jehovah of Jerusalem.

In other words, peace in Jerusalem is not about the temple restoration or when Israel occupies Jerusalem or when her armies are strong and mighty. Jerusalem is at peace when God's people are at peace with God. Is Jerusalem today at peace? Israel had gone through four wars since the British left in 1948. Today Israel is still standing tall and strong amidst its warring neighbors. But is Israel at peace? Far be it! Jerusalem will never be at peace when more than ninety percent of Israel's population are godless. To pray for peace in Jerusalem is to pray for Israel's repentance. In prophecy, God will turn away the ungodliness of Israel when the numbers of the Gentiles are accounted for (Rom. 11:26)

Let's pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Only when Israel return to God will Jerusalem experience peace. Looking at the history of Israel, we can see a pattern. In sequence, there's the blessings, the disobedience, the judgement, the repentance and then the restoration. When more than ninety percent of its people have turned away from God, we need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Why? Why not?


Tuesday, August 6, 2019


When Joshua and the Israelites arrived at the banks of Jordan river, a miracle was awaiting them. God had brought them to this place and at this particular time. They could look across the river and behold the miracle right before their eyes. What was in between them and the miracle was not the river. It was in fact ... a DECISION. A miracle was just a decision away. And then all it took was a first step into the water.

At the river banks, the priests carrying the Ark of Covenant were getting ready to cross the flooded river. Needless to say, it was a risky venture. So instead of placing the army at first rank, the priests with the Ark of Covenant were at point position. God was leading and was going ahead of them! The stage was set. Only thing left was simply a decision. Joshua had to decide whether he would follow God and take the first step into the flooded river or he would remain at where he was. He decided God's will and a miracle followed. The river parted and rolled back on both sides and what happened with the Red Sea some forty years ago happened right before Joshua's generation. The entire camp of Israel, most of whom had never witnessed the Red Sea parting, crossed over the river on dry ground. What was the miracle? The parting of the river? The crossing over? Yes, these are obvious but the real miracle was the making of the right DECISION.

I have been in love with my dear wife 39 years now (being married now for 37 years). We are still very much in love with each other. In fact, we are still over the moon today ... so to say. Yes, we had our rough and trying times too like any other couples. But I don't  remember when was the last time we "had it out". We both have God to thank for this. It's because we love God first that we are able to draw from Him and for one another. I have discovered for myself that love is a decision. At cross roads I have to decide to choose what's RIGHT or what I WANT. If I were to put me first above my wife and choose that which pleases me regardless if it's the right thing to do, then I don't think I am responding to love. I will be like choosing death instead of life. But if I am willing to choose to die to self and do what is right by us regardless of how I feel, then I would have chosen life over death. The right feelings will follow suit but the decision has to come first. Dying to self is not easy but that's how it was with Jesus. He died so we might live. That is unconditional love. That's what we need in our relationship with each other if we want to continue in love. That's why I say, a miracle is a decision and love is a decision.

Perhaps today you are at the very edge of river Jordon. Things aren't looking too good on your side. You know you shouldn't be on your side. God is telling you to look beyond the river. He's in front of you. You know you need a miracle. You  know you should be on the other side. What's keeping you from taking the first step into the troublous water? A DECISION.

A miracle is a decision. Why are you still waiting for a miracle?

HELLO 2022

 In the beginning God created …. (Genesis. 1:1) In the beginning was the Word … (John 1:1) In the beginning of 2022 God … Everything i...