Today, at our bi-annual Minister's retreat, I Iearned a new word: Cruisematic. Pastor Kelvin from Singapore stated that in the past ten years, church in Singapore has stagnated even though there exist mega churches. Pastor Kelvin then mentioned that there are different kinds of churches in Singapore. Citing for example the charismatic churches, he then mentioned the "Cruisematic" churches. This phrase is something new to me and it amuses me. We all understood what he meant: Christians cruising from one church to another. Keeping this though in mind, here's a little make believe story to illustrate my thoughts today.
It was after the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand. Jesus disciples, being so thrilled and amazed at the miracle, asked for another miracle. Responding, Jesus told his disciples to each pick up a stone and poof ... He turned it into bread. The next day, the disciples asked again and the Lord told them to look for a stone. Peter being Peter, picked up a rock instead. Next, Jesus instructed them to throw away the stone. Disappointed, Peter protested. Jesus then asked Peter, " Who were you carrying the rock for? “
What about you? Who are you carrying the rock for? Why are you doing what you are doing? Why are you a Cruisematic Christian? Was it for Jesus' sake or for your own sake?
Let me state today the main thing of being a church. It's the Great Commission. Stephen Covey said, "the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing". Today the devil is helping pastors keeping Christians busy running inside the church. If Jesus has His way, He will be keeping His people busy running outside the church. When asked about the vision of Vineyard church, whether in years past, now or the future years to come, my response will still be the same, and that is the Great Commission. That's the main thing. Today churches may have lost sight of the main thing. Today, it's about worship, prayer, preacher, buildings, leadership, branding and programs to keep church busy. I'm not saying these are wrong. Some of it are necessary tools. What I am saying is in whatever we do, IF we do not have the harvest fields in mind, then all we do is done in vain. The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
Who are you carrying the rock for? Are we all too busy running inside the church when we are supposed to be running outside the church? We are a pentecostal church. We are born again, spirit filled and spirit empowered for the harvest fields. Who are we carrying the rock for?
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
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