Today I am thinking about the geese. A
goose can fly solo but it can never reach higher potential or its full
potential on its own. When geese fly in formation they use 40% less energy and
can travel vast distances, as long as 2400 kilometers a day. How they accomplish
that is interesting.
In a V-shaped formation, each bird flies
slightly above the bird in front of him, resulting in reduction of wind
resistance. The birds take turn being in the front, falling back when they get tired.
In this way they can fly for a long time. The other reason why they fly in a V
formation is to keep an eye on the entire flock so that none is missing or left
behind during migration. During flight, the geese honk from behind to encourage
those up front to keep up their speed which is usually 60 – 110 km/h depending
of wind conditions. You see, a goose can fly solo but it can never reach higher
potential unless it flies together. They are better together.
Penguins are known to be able to withstand
harsh weather conditions. The temperature may be below minus 30 degree C and
the winds may be blowing at 200 km/h yet they are able to survive such
conditions. How so? Simply by huddling together in a tight pack group,
sometimes with as many as 6000 in a group. That way they share body heat and
shelter themselves from the intense wind. At the center of the core the
temperature could be as warm as 21 degree C. Alone the penguin will not
survive. They are better together.
The tallest trees in the world are the Red
Wood trees. They can grow as high as 106 meters and can survive as long as 2000
years. The interesting thing about the red woods, they have small roots, the
biggest root about an inch in diameter. These roots don’t grow deep into the
ground, just 6 to 12 feet which is a fraction of the height of the tree. Yet they are able to hold the tree up. How do they
do that? By spreading its roots 100 meters outwards, entwining with roots from
other red woods. Linked together, a single red wood has the
strength of a forest. When the storms come, the winds are not contending
against one tree but the entire forest. They are better together.
God did not mean for us to go at life solo.
Like the geese, the penguin and the red woods, we are made to be better
together. When we need to accomplish greater things, we fly together and we
honk to encourage each other. When situations in life get harsher, we huddle
together, drawing the warmth of God’s love from each other. When the storms of
life come against us, we entwined with each other and become the strength of a
forest. We are better together.
You may be thinking you can go at life
solo, that you don’t need help or anyone alongside. Maybe because you think you are
talented enough and you have the resource. While that may be true to accomplish
what you think, it is not enough to accomplish what God thinks. God’s thoughts
are higher than our thoughts and God's ways are higher than our ways. Flying
solo you can never reach higher potential. We are better together.
More than thirty times in the Bible, the
phrase “one another” was recorded. We were told to love one another, forgive
one another, help one another, encourage one another, admonish one another,
teach one another. In order to accomplish that, the body of believers need to
assemble together. Hebrews 10:25 admonishes us to not forsake assembling
together. Jesus said whenever two or three are gathered together in His name,
He is in the house. He promised us His covering whenever we assembly together. Jesus
promised even the gates of hell cannot prevail against it when we are together. We will be able to do more individually and collectively when we go
at life together. We need to fly together. We heed to huddle together. We need
to link together. We are better together.
What joy to see us assembling together
every Sunday. Understand this: God is never in the building. But when we, the body
of believers assemble together, the building becomes the house of God. How so?
You are the temple of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of God dwells within you.
When you come into Vineyard, you bring along the presence of God. When you mix
your praise with the praises of others, God's presence is released. God’s joy
is released. Healing is released and the love of God is shed abroad the hearts
of all those present. That's the power of the Kingdom of God, the new wine that
Jesus spoke about. Jesus came not just to save but to build His church which is
a collection of a called out group of people. Church is God's gifts to us. Vineyard
is our gift from God. Parents, the best gift you can give to your children is
to raise them in the house of God!
let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as
some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as
you see the Day approaching" (Heb. 10:24-25).
church your priority. Let's fly and honk together. Let's huddle together and let's entwined into each other. It is when we are together, we are stronger and better.
That's God's design. Happy New Year :)
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