Thursday, November 22, 2018


I just had a very interesting talk with my close friends who are pastors of different churches  over current church matters. The subject of discussion was on the millennial (born between 80's and 90's) and their thoughts on church life. A forum was started live on church stage followed by Whatsapp and I had the opportunity of reading some of the texts. It was interesting reading about their struggles. Most of the participants were born into Christian homes and had the opportunity to study overseas before joining the work force back home here in Malaysia. It was a thought provoking experience for me.

I'd like to share my thoughts here today. I'm neither claiming to know the answers nor am I being judgmental. If at all, I am seeking cos I am well aware of the log before my own eyes. So here goes.
First off, Bible says there's nothing new under the sun. What has been will be again; what has been done will be done again (Ecc 1:9). In other words, what the millennial are experiencing today is the same as what the previous generations experienced in their time too. The context of this world vastly differ comparing the now and then but the woes are but the same. We call it growing pains. I had them too.

Secondly, one of the millennial hit the mark. His/her comment is that "youth today are a very "packed base" generation. We are like wolves, we travel in packs, and we are attracted to people just like us". (My comment: same with my generation too). Herein lies one of the main reasons why some youth choose to leave their home churches. Friendship. Friendship are bonded in schools. When school ended friendship mostly dissolved as each move on from common ground to uncharted grounds. It's a heart retching time having to lose your BFF along the way but it's unavoidable as each move on to different colleges and universities locally and overseas. There new friendships are once again bonded and again for a short but crucial years. College life ends and working life begins. The whole process repeats. Only this time it's a different playing field. Let me just stop here.

From the chat group I see millennial feeling kind of lost during  all those transitional times. Back home in church they couldn't connect  although church is not unfamiliar ground. I guess that "packed base" mentality kicks in. They looked to join their packs wherever they are.  Friendship seems to be their focus. Perhaps here is where we need to pause and re-think or rather ... re-focus on what church really is. And this bring me to my final thoughts.

All of us are in church for different reasons, some of which are very personal in nature. Whatever the reasons, church as we know is not a club. Although it is a place where people gather, church is a spiritual organism. The life of a church is centered around God. The temple in Biblical days was set up for the glory of God. It's all about God and as the people gather together in the name of God and for the glory of God, they partake of the fellowship around the "table of God". IF we can grasp this truth, then no matter where you are, Jesus will be sufficient for you. BUT if you are a consumer (making church about you) then Christ won't be sufficient for you and you will wonder around churches trying to fill that void. The early church experienced the same problem. One such example is circumcision. The church was told that believing in Christ alone was not enough. They needed to be circumcised too.

Bottom line: whether you are a millennial or a Y or Z generation, remember .. there's nothing new under the sun. What has been will be so you are not exclusive to this pressure in life. Secondly, look beyond being a consumer in church. If church is all about you, then you will never be fulfilled no matter where you go. And finally, not just you but the generation after you (your kids) will also face the same growing pains you and your previous generations faced. To deal with this phase of life, we simply need to RE-FOCUS. The supremacy of Christ is more than enough for us. We can grow where we are planted. We are not wolves but sheep. We just need to look out for one another and remind each other that Jesus is more than enough for us no matter what, where, when or how :-)

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