Saturday, June 22, 2019

To Testify or Not?

Born in the 50's, I had the privilege of living through the era of simplicity, of the introduction of black and white television until today; the internet age. Things have changed, not gradually but by a quantum leap (as prophesied in the Bible). One of the greatest evolvement of course, is the power of communication. Multimedia, social media have become objects of "worship". It has taken a life in itself and is demanding worship. Take a look around you and you'll see people worshipping this "god". Artificial Intelligence (AI) is  indeed the "beast', the god of this age (Rev. 13).

At the wedding in Cana where Jesus performed His first miracle, He made a thought provoking statement. By then many had seen His miracles and believed in His name, yet it was written: "Jesus, however, was wary of these believers. He understood people and didn’t need anyone to tell him about human nature. He knew what people were really like." (John 2:24-25). Social media has not only shaped our lives but has also brought out the very nature of us. If you look into social media, say Facebook, what do you see? Basically, self centeredness  - the very core of human nature. Craving for "likes", there's this constant postings of self ... what I ate, where I went, what I did, what I saw, the things that caught MY attention, etc. I am not saying FB is bad. I am saying it's not the tools but the hands that held the tools. And this brings me to my thoughts for today ... testimonies.

I am actually quite alarmed at the way Christians assimilate information via social media. Are we doing good or harm? Most testimonies are just per say. There's no way to verify the actual facts. It's just what one sees and understands. Just like prophecies, how do you know it's really from God? Just because some so called prophet prophesied over you? Or some dreams or notions that God spoke to you? More importantly, why is there a need to broadcast over social media? To glorify God? To help God? Here's my point today. Does God need your help to proclaim His glory? Does God need your help in defending His character and Name? Does God need you to fight His battles? Does God really need you? And does God crave for your "likes"?

Many of us take it upon ourselves to appoint ourselves as middle man between God and man. In so doing, I fear many have misrepresented God in so many ways. And may I add, especially preachers. We think God needs us. We think His Kingdom cannot do without us. We even broadcast ourselves as God's chosen man/woman. So what am I saying? Don't do anything for God or for His kingdom? Of course no. To serve God is our honour and privilege. But to reckon that God needs us, that He needs our testimonies, that is misleading. God has no need for anything. Only the imperfect have need(s). God is perfect and therefore has no need. How can we say God needs us? While we think we are doing God a favour in broadcasting our testimonies, or worst yet, broadcasting other people's testimonies, let's remember our own human nature. "He knew what people were really like". Now, let me say this. If God had healed you, delivered you, saved you, don't think it is for the purpose of broadcasting to the whole world. Just know that someone out there in the harvest fields within your circle of friends, your family, or some strangers you may meet who have the same struggles you had before God saved you, healed you and delivered you, go share your testimony with them personally. Tell them what God had done for you. "Go into all the world ..." is not about you broadcasting for "likes". It's about you personally going out there in the harvest fields, giving out faith, hope and love. Only God can save. Your testimony cannot save. We are now living in the age of Revelation 13. Careful now, which God you are serving. Is it truly God or is it the beast of Revelation 13?

N.B. Did Jesus go about giving testimonies of the healing and miracles He performed?

Thursday, June 13, 2019


How much am I worth?

When I look at some of the things that's of value today, I am dumbfounded. A simple scribbled note on a piece of ordinary scrap paper is worth millions just because it is hand written by someone of importance and it changed the landscape of the world. I am thinking Elbert Einstein. An ordinary unwashed, smelly football jersey can be worth tens of thousands of dollars just because it was worn by some footballer who scored a gold of the decade and whose signature was on it. Anything that's ordinary will become extraordinary when you attach a value to it. BUT value is not value unless someone is willing to pay for it. It could be an ordinary handkerchief, or shoes, or anything. If someone is willing to pay big for it, that thing instantly become of value. If I put my signature on my shirt and sell it, I won't be able to get much IF I can even sell it. But the same shirt, IF I can get a world most famous and loved person to sign it, I can sell it for a whole lot of money cos someone out there will be willing to pay a lot for it! That's value. So here's my big question today. How valuable are we?

Matthew 10:29-32
Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

The world may not value you much because you are not of a certain category. To the world, you may be like the common sparrows, not worth much. But should our value be dictated by the world's standard? I think not. In the eyes of God, what is common is of greater value than what the world reckon. Not one of the sparrows that falls escape the attention of God. Jesus said, "You are of more value than many sparrows". After all, He saw you, loved you and gave up everything He was and had, even His own life, just so He can "purchase" you as His own. I don't need the world to tell me how valuable I am. SOMEONE was willing to pay with His life to have you. You are worth much, much more than that football jersey or rare diamond.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

You life is of heavenly value. There is no earthly value to it. You are worth the blood of Jesus. Don't sell yourself short and don't pawn yourself to the world. I just felt someone need to read this today. God bless.

HELLO 2022

 In the beginning God created …. (Genesis. 1:1) In the beginning was the Word … (John 1:1) In the beginning of 2022 God … Everything i...